Saturday, February 14, 2009

Amnio Results and Valentine's Day

We have not gotten our full amniocentesis results, but we did get the preliminary results on Tuesday. It was a nerve-wracking day because we were supposed to get the results in the morning, but LTC Franklin played phone tag with the hospital in Topeka until about noon. When I finally got my results, it caused me to miss a meeting, which I got in deep trouble for later on in the day. It is pretty frustrating to be going through all of this and then have work troubles piled on top. Anyway...

The baby has a condition called Turner's Syndrome, which is a chromosomal abnormality with the X Chromosome. The health effects are significantly less tragic as many of the other chromosomal abnormalities, and Tim and I have decided that we can manage the potential health effects, should we be blessed with a little girl at the end of this nine months. However, the sad news is that most Turner's babies will end in miscarriage. We initially hard the figure that 99% would end in miscarriage, but the genetic counselor told us that the latest studies puts the miscarriage rate closer to 75%. Of those, 60% will miscarry in the first or second trimester, and roughly 15% will miscarry in the THIRD trimester. Tim and I have made the decision to take what God hands us (not tat we had many options) but I am really concerned about a third trimester miscarriage. I am already in my second trimester, and the baby has a strong, normal heartbeat. However, we can see on the ultrasounds that the edema is worsening, even after only a few days from the ultrasound in Topeka and the one that LTC Franklin performed on Tuesday. The edema is well into the lungs and the prognosis is not good, regardless of the statistics. What we are planning for right now is a miscarriage sometime in this pregnancy. If we get blessed with the birth of a daughter at the end of this, we will be thrilled, though it does not seem realistic at this point to have that expectation. Oh yeah...and we do definitely have a little girl. This condition only affects females, so we have confirmation.

On a lighter note, we have enjoyed our Valentine's Day thus far. I bought Tim a cake from Baskin Robbins (our weakness lately) and also picked up a little clown cone for Timmy. I have enclosed the pictures of his sugar delight. He doesn't get very many sweets, so Timmy definitely savored every bite of this cone.


Dena Yllescas said...

Kim-Your attitude is great. There are so many emotions and can become extremely overwhelming. Keep it in God's hands and He'll lead you through it. So many times (especially recently) we wonder why bad things happen to good people. The only comfort I have is knowing there IS a reason even if we can't see it right now. Hang in there, you guys. You are doing amazingly well and I admire your strength. Let me know when YOU are able to come up and I'll make sure I'm around! :) Can't wait to see you! Dena

Linda said...

Kim and Tim: Our hearts go out to you. Know that you have the love and support of your (extended) family and many friends. We're here for you if there is anything we can do. -- Linda and Jeff in San Diego

Household6 said...

Been checking daily for your update. Glad you got some answers, it always seems to help to know something even if it's not the best of news.

We will be praying for you.


Nancy said...

I know this is not exactly good news, but of the possible problems that had been discussed, I remember this being the least effecting in regards to health. In fact, pairing Jillian's small stature with some runny poop issues we've been having, our doc suggested possibly testing for Turner's at 24 months. So, we'll see...

I am sorry to hear about the continuing growth of the edema (sp?) that is so difficult. Ryan and I will keep all of you in our thoughts.

Aside from that, I love the pics of Timmy's Valentine treat!


Anonymous said...

We love you guys and are thinking about and praying for you...

Anonymous said...

The pictures of Timmy are adorable! He definetly loved his Valentine treat!

We continue to think of your family and will continue to pray hard for you all.

Karen and Craig

Karen said...

We are praying very hard for your family. I wish there was something I could do to ease your burden.

Your outlook is amazing. Keep on putting one foot in front of the other...

Karen Marshall