Saturday, February 21, 2009

Final Results and Check-Up

This week we finally got the final results from the amniocentesis...Turner's Syndrome is definitely confirmed. We were not surprised by the results, though we are definitely heartbroken at the prognosis. Tim and I have been through and endless week of appointments, but the most significant was our visit to the specialist in Topeka. We knew the day was off to a bad start when we were sorely disappointed by the quality of our beloved pancakes in the Dining Facility. It appears that we got the cakes at the bottom of the pile that had been under a heating lamp too long...unsatisfactory. At any rate, we got absolutely no positive news at all during our appointment. The ultrasound was heartbreaking....the hygroma has gotten very large and is now running down the baby's back and has entered the chest cavity. The size of the hygroma has limited the space available for the baby and has pushed her into a fairly unnatural-looking position. The doctor explains that the position was the most comfortable for the baby, but it still broke my heart to see her. The most significant finding is that there is significant pleural effusion, which is fluid build-up in the lungs. This is the precursor to the heart failure that the doctor has been predicting for a while now. Looking at the ultrasound made it really difficult to choke back tears. We have decided not to see Dr. Evans again for another four weeks. We do not have any more diagnostic needs and there are no treatment options, so we do not really need to assistance of a specialist.

Thank you all very much for your words of love and support. The one positive that I can draw from this experience is an overwhelming sense of support from friends and loved ones. Thank you very much.

In other news, Timmy continues to grow and keep us on our toes every day. He's so cute and fun as he grows and learns. Sometimes we look over at him and realize that he is very obviously imitating something that he has seen one of us do. We can't stifle our giggles...he's a funny baby. Unfortunately, this week we have been plagued with the tummy-bug. Timmy was "kicked out" of daycare on Thursday and was sick through Friday. Tim and I took turns staying with him. As much as I wish I could take way the illness, I will have to admit that it was really nice to be able to stay home and rest with him a little bit. I have felt physically better in the last few days than I have felt the entire time I have been pregnant. Unfortunately, Tim got the "bug" today and has spent the entire day on the couch. What a weekend!


Household6 said...

Been checking in often. Wish the results provided better news. The stomach bug is the worst! Hope your men feel better and that you don't get it!

Still praying.


Nancy said...

I'm so sorry guys.... it sounds like that was an incredibly difficult appointment... We're thinking about you all. Hope things are looking up in regards to the tummy bug- that stinks!

Anonymous said...

We have been thinking of you many times throughout the day and am glad you are feeling the warmth of love and support from many close and far. We continue to keep you in our prayers and thoughts. And will say an extra prayer that the nasty stomach bug goes 'Bye-Bye', as I am sure Timmy would say! Zach was up through-out the night too with one....poor little guys. And of course to your big guy too hoping it is a quick one at least.

Although I wasn't in the same situation you are, I did come to peace with this...the pain we go through as mothers is limitless if need be for our little ones...whether here with us on Earth or awaiting us in Heaven. Although it broke me on many levels, I eventually found peace knowing the pain I suffered at never holding them meant they were healthy and happy in Heaven. And many encouraged me in knowing that someday I will hold them....

I hope that if you have to say goodbye to her for now, that in time, we pray you will find peace too....know we are here.

Love to all,
Karen and Craig

Anonymous said...

Kimmy and Tim and Timmy, so sorry about all the hard times....wish we could be there to help with some of the pain. We are thinking of you Ginny/Ian and sophie

Anonymous said...

My continual prayers are with all of you, too. My heart really goes out to you.
ali m.