Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas day!

Our Christmas adventures really started two days ago when we picked up my parents in Kansas City. For those of you who have even spent 30 seconds in front of the tube this week, you will know that a major blizzard has been heading through the Central US. We were incredibly lucky thta Mom and Dad's plane arrived early on Wednesday. We stayed overnight in Kansas City and then drove back the next morning. Our drive home was a bit of a white-knuckle affair, but we were fortunate to have made a safe trip.

is morning we woke up to a VERY white Christmas, complete with snowdifts and blowing winds over 30 mph. We turned on the weather channel and were thrilled to see that we can expect the temperatures to blast through the teens at least a few times this week. :)

This year was an especially bit treat for all of us, as Timmy was finally old enough to experience some of the "magic" of Christmas. He was thrilled that Santa came last night and brought a table and chairs and a mini trampoline. Christmas morning lasted the better part of three hours today due to requisite ten minutes of play begged by each newly opened toy. We all had a blast helping Timmy enjoy his new toys. Unfortunately, Timmy didn't last quite as long as his toy pile, so we had to interrupt the Christmas experience for a long nap this morning. Our sleepy head fell into bed still clutching his new toys.
After opening presents, we enjoyed a Christmas turkey dinner with some friends from work.

We hope that you are all enjoying your Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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