Sunday, December 27, 2009


Sledding Fun with Grandpa
Not the most appealing subject matter...but I was learning my new camera attachments

Could this be any more fun?

Fun with Grandpa

Grandma, Grandpa and Timmy

Love my new circular polorizing lens filter....

Vivid color enhancement setting with snow? I don't like it.

I introduce the photo-centric blogs. I don't have much to say today other than we spent a good portion of the day sledding and having fun with my parents and Timmy. I got some cool gadgets to help with my attempt at learning to take good photographs. So far, my attempts have been pretty lame, but in the last few days I ha at least learned a few techniques and settings that I would rather NOT use again. Anyway, here are some pictures of today's sledding trip. Try to ignore the lack of color sense in these pictures. I guess great photographers aren't born they are created...through lots of trial and error. :) Today's lesson: pictures don't edit well as JPEGs. RAW formats are the way to go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I came to the site this morning to get my "fix" and the video was "unavailable"!! what a bummer!!