Sunday, April 12, 2009

A day of Support

We have been blessed with a large influx of family members over the lasy few days who have come to Kansas to support us in saying good-bye to baby Emma. Being surrounded by family has helped us feel the support we need. Preparing for the details of the funeral has helped ground us and provide positive progress and emotional healing.

We do not want anyone to feel under any obligation to send flowers. However, a number of people have asked where flowers should be sent. Flowers can be sent to Penwell Gable Herington Chapel or to our home address in Manhattan. Please e-mail me for the adress if you do not have it.

The funeral announcement:


The Bender's said...

Kim and Tim,
We are so thankful you have family and friends wrapping their arms of love and support around you. We continue to keep you close in our hearts and prayers. Although on a very different level, I remember that feeling of waking to not having my baby inside me anymore and not in my arms either. That emptiness is very painful. It breaks our hearts that you had to say goodbye for now to your precious Emma. We are so sorry for your loss. I also want to say that I am in awe of your love and strength through this time. And Emma was amazing in her fight too. You both showed such an amazing Godly love and protectiveness over Emma that she had and felt the love most unfortunately don't ever get in this lifetime. You are wonderful parents. We love you.
What Dena said about holding on to little Timmy is so true. Hugs, love, and laughter of our little ones here keep us moving forward and although you don't feel it now - Timmy will make you stop, smile, and belly laugh again in the future like you have described in the past. I held so tightly to Logan's picture when I went in for my procedure that I wrinkled it permeantly. Although they never replace our children in Heaven, they do help our healing in the time ahead.

Our love is with you now and always,
Karen and Craig

Jean H. said...

Thinking of you during this difficult time. Thank you for sharing your story -- I'm sorry for the loss of sweet Emma. Praying for you...