Friday, April 3, 2009


It's been another very long day. We have had about 8-9 doctors consult on my case and there is a difference in diagnosis/ opinion among them. The bottom line is that I will enter the hsopital when we can figure out a little more about the diagnosis, understand the risks, and find the appropriate hospital with the appropriate doctors with the approrpiate experience to manage the risk. The diagnosis for Turner's Syndrome for Emma is certain among all doctors, but the uncertainty surrounds the additonal diagnosis of the condition that is causing my illness and symptoms.

Very tired....very frustrated...


Karen said...

I'm so sorry, Kim. We are praying very hard for you. You've been (and continue to be) on such a long journey- you must be exhausted. Keep putting one foot in front of the other...
Karen M

Household6 said...

Kim, we will be praying for wisdom and a speedy decision by the doctors!!

Joyce said...

Kim I have been reading your blog since I found it from Robs blog and my heart goes out to you and your family. I just wanted you to know that I pray for you every day.
Sending big hugs,

Nancy said...

You guys are such troopers- I know dealing with something as heartbreaking as this already was has been made that much worse by having to deal with all this extra stress, and concern about your health. Boo. Life is so #$&@%# sometimes!!! That's pretty much all there is to say. :( I'm sorry guys. Hugs to all of you. (Please have Corey deliver the hugs... he's good at that!)